I hope you had a great holiday and Happy New Year! As we begin 2014, I wanted to share with you in a series of blogs some fun facts about the Ideal Protein program to help you understand the rationale behind this proven program that works to reduce … [Read more...]
5 Aspects of Ideal Health…An Adventure!
The Holidays are fast approaching and “Sugar Season” is upon us. Let's step back and get a big picture view of the season and our past and present status on the diet. Consider these 5 aspects of the journey: 1. For many of … [Read more...]
So you think you have messed up…….
We have all messed up while dieting. Sometimes it is intentional (you better not!!), but other times it is simply a “slip of the mind”. I sometimes get so focused on ______, that I completely forget to eat, eat something that I did not realize, … [Read more...]
But I thought if I just EXERCISED harder I could get skinny!
I wanted to share with you some thoughts on exercise during the Weight Loss phases and during Maintenance. Many of you have had questions about exercising during Phase I and II so I will hopefully address some of these here. Your body … [Read more...]
4 Keys to Breaking the Junk Food Habit
As I have been coaching Ideal Health Now clients and have myself been in Maintenance for several months now, I have been more and more aware of how easy it is for old habits to rear their ugly heads and sabotage progress. I have been reading many … [Read more...]
Krazy about Kale … and other Veggies
Veggies can be one of the biggest challenges to eat on the Ideal Protein Diet. Why? Veggies are a major part of the diet; shouldn’t they be easy to eat? Nope! Not if you are like me and stick to the same veggies, same recipes, and same meals over … [Read more...]
The Convenient Crutch (Part 3)
We have looked at the “Convenient Crutch” and its influence on our eating habits. We know that the pain of discipline is better than the pain of regret. We have seen that we can eat lunch well that can suit any lifestyle. Now lets look how we have … [Read more...]
The Convenient Crutch (Part 2)
We have looked at the principles of the “Convenient Crutch” but lets get more specific in one area of our nations food habits. Fast-Food. Yeah a little part of everyone just died inside as I said that. So our culture has made … [Read more...]
The Convenient Crutch (Part 1)
I have noticed a problem within myself that can hinder me in so many ways. I call it the “Convenient Crutch”. Basically the idea is this: “if something is inconvenient I do not do it”. This shows up in my life in several different ways. I see … [Read more...]
My Top Ten Excuses for Cheating on a Diet
My excuses are always trying to justify a certain behavior. I make excuses to “ok” my actions but I am really trying to make myself believe it, because no one else really cares. Our culture is addicted to food. You don’t give an recovering … [Read more...]