We have looked at the “Convenient Crutch” and its influence on our eating habits. We know that the pain of discipline is better than the pain of regret. We have seen that we can eat lunch well that can suit any lifestyle.
Now lets look how we have brought the crutch to the area of grocery shopping.
First off, it is blatantly clear that our food industry has made convenience a huge selling point to us. Look at how many processed foods there are. We have entire meals packaged, in the freezer that all we have to do is microwave for 5 minutes and we have a ready, hot, “space food” meal. Have you ever looked at the shelf life of some items? You can buy an item and it eat it two years later and still be ok. Hmmmmm….not very natural for the human body to digest.
So what we choos is 5 minute space food over a possible 30 minute fresh, simple but satisfying meal. I am talking about the everyday meals. Not the feasts. You can cook veggies in seasonings on the stove with baked fish in the oven and be done in 30 minutes. If you have a grill, put some meat on there, seasoned veggies on the grill with a good spinach or kale salad on the side.
Another area of food that we run to is the snack foods.
We buy crackers, chips, etc. instead of a bag of carrots, some berries, handful of almonds, etc.
Of course I am talking about off of Phase 1 eating with the berries and almonds, but phase 1 snacks can’t be celery sticks or an IP package?
Last part of this crutch that I see is in recipe hunting itself. Yes cooking takes some work, creativity, and planning. Is it worth it? Ummmm…YES! So you have cooked everything you know and you are tired of the “same thing over and over and over and over. You get the picture. My answer to that is some question. Do you a computer with internet? Have you heard of Google? Have you heard of YouTube? Do your fingers work to type? Nowadays with the internet you can get a doctorate degree online. You can learn anything for a research paper on Wikipedia. Learn a new skill on YouTube.
Every recipe known to man is somewhere there also. You can look up new recipes with 5 minutes of searching.
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