Thinking Back…………….

Over the years, there were many times I had been successful at losing weight ( I even kept the weight off for several years at a time). Then I would gain the weight back – only 25 lbs. I would get on the next plan because I like a good plan & I had always exercised – HARD! I enjoyed the discipline, but eventually, even exercising hard daily, I would go back to making unhealthy food choices and …. the weight would creep back on. Now it was 30 lbs… 40 lbs…
My food changes were always TEMPORARY, therefore my results were temporary.
My poor choices of food caught up with me if not in my enlarging hips and thighs and eventually my abdomen…… then in my energy level, skin tone, more illnesses, chronic aches, and my overall well-being.
I was getting tired of being sick and tired – – – – So, I would begin another diet plan or the previous diet plan that worked before.
The problem was… in 2010… the plans and amount of exercise (2 1/2 hours – 6 days a week) were no longer working. I needed permanent change. When I was introduced to the Ideal Protein plan – it not only addressed the root cause of the problem – Metabolic Syndrome ( OVER PRODUCTION OF INSULIN in the body) due to eating – TOO MANY CARBOHYDRATES.
Ideal Protein, also provided a realistic eating plan for the rest of my life.
This journey for me did require and still requires that I make some tough sacrifices. The tough sacrifices make me more confident and equip me for the next hurdle with food. Each time I make the better-healthier choice, it provides me with lessons to be learned and perspectives to be gained along with
- emotional victory
- spiritual victory
- physical victory
I am in it for the long haul!
I do NOT want temporary results.
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