The scale is only a tool that can help us measure our progress, but it does NOT tell us everything.
It cannot tell you :
- your inflammation has decreased
- your clothes fit better
- your face has cleared up
- Blood pressure is lowering to normal
- your muscles are more dense – healthy
- you have lost fat
- your joints don’t hurt
- your blood sugar levels are becoming normal
- your female or male organs are becoming balanced and functioning correctly
- your stomach issues are resolving
- Confidence because you look and feel better
- you are clear headed and alert.
- Cholesterol in the blood is lowering
- PCOS is clearing
- Type 2 Diabetes is going away – being cured
Gaining control of your health and it overflows into other areas
These are a few of the successes that the scale cannot measure for you.
We pray that this week …….. you will DEFINE your week by being obedient to following the Ideal Health NOW plan to allow your body to be in the best health it can possibly be.
Investing in your health and choosing healthy food choices = means you are treating yourself with love and respect
“One wise choice with food can lead to two, can lead to three… to a thousand – which can lead to the sweet place of lasting discipline and victory. “
Is sustained SUCCESS possible?
The answer lies within the next choice you make with food – praying for great success for you.
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