This past week – someone mentioned they were very discouraged with their eating behavior. They have been successful with Ideal Protein and did really well but now they have allowed themselves to eat other foods that are not on program.
Are they still successful or a failure? I think without a doubt – they are a success!
Look at the large and small successes it took to make it this far. Their issue is the feeling of being:
- Knocked Off Track
- Sabotaged
Are you are finding yourself – allowing cheats – NOT following the plan? – Ask yourself … WHY?
- Are you satisfied with a slower weight loss?
- Will this behavior (Sabotage) help you accomplish your health goal of losing weight or training yourself to eat better in the future – and therefore keeping your weight off or staying OFF of medications?
3 Things You May Not Know About Diet Self-Sabotage
Self-sabotage is a big problem for dieters, because they often aren’t aware that they are sabotaging themselves. They often feel as if their struggles are caused solely by outside influences, but deep down inside, they are the ones that are causing the conflicts. Maybe you started this diet and you were going along so well, and then you did something that immediately knocked you off track. That may seem like an outer influence, could be that you were tired- fatigued, but in reality, you still have made a decision to go off plan.
Why would anyone want to sabotage their diet?
- Rebellion – you may be subconsciously rebelling against the whole concept of deprivation in general. Even though you consciously want to lose weight, another part of you keeps lashing out and saying, “No, you can’t make me!”
- Fear – You may be afraid to lose weight, maybe because you fear NOT being able to handle being thin, or you may fear gaining all the weight back again.
- Stubbornness – You want to lose weight and get in shape, but you don’t want to give up your favorite foods and poor lifestyle habits. Every time you try to eat healthful meals or take good care of yourself, an inner part of you >>> digs in his or her heels and says, “No, I don’t want to change my habits. I like my habits just the way they are.”
When you started program and lost quite a significant amount of weight – you believed that the program was right for you and believed – IT WORKS!
Did the program change? – NO
Did your belief change? ????
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